Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Procrastination.. I wouldn't have it any other way :)

Quote of the Day: "GERMS!! GERMS!! Do you know how many people have touched that?" -Heather when she got attacked by a plastic covering..

"I saw this guy fall UP the stairs at the library. I put your face on his head!"-Heather

SO it has been way too long since I last posted.and Heather says I have "A way with words" and Rachel wants to keep up with my witty comments :). but seeing as how I only really write this for myself and for Rachel and Heather's enjoyment it is okay.. I have to go through my pictures to go back and see what all has been happening since I last wrote on here.. If you know me you know I take pictures of anything and everything, no matter how random! But a few days after I last wrote, (Which seems like forever ago, but like it just happened.) We went to a painting workshop called Paint and Pour.. It was so much fun.. Our picture was supposed to be a dove.. WELL Mine ended up being a VERY obese turkey.. but my mom was so proud of it. lol.. I went with Heather and Rachel and it was great fun.. We got lost on the way there.. shows I can't live in a big city..

In October, we had a Rodney Atkins concert here at Tech! Me, Rachel, and Heather were in the first few rows.. it was so cool.. Had a great time there. Also, it was time for Halloween.. Went to a Masquerade ball with the Nursing home in Pickett Co.. Dressed up as a Hooters girl at the Farmhouse Saturday night.. :) Also went to the Party store and tried on some masks.. Scared some kids.. you know.. same old same old..

In November, Thanksgiving time was here and I got a new cat!! Took him home from the Farmhouse and pretended he was a stray so I could keep him! :) but I named him Toonces from SNL.. Because he is a grey cat with black stripes. Also on the way home he put his little paws on the steering wheel and wouldn't stop.. So he is TOONCES, the Driving cat.. Just hope he doesn't drive me off of a cliff.. uh oh!!

December brought Christmas.. One of my favorite times of the year!! It included going to see Charlie Brown ICE with Rachel, Christopher, Michael, Daniel C., and Samantha.. It was so much fun.. then went to see the lights in the hotel.. Made a delicious Coconut snowman cake.. and got all I ever wanted for Christmas.. Some snow.. and Love :) <3>

January gave us the biggest snows I have seen in such a long time.. I love the snow!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! It also brought the beginning of school... I don't hate it... I am living through.. Just having a hard time wrapping my head around the physics class.. ugh.. haha.. UGH I HATE PHYSICS ;) Just kidding.. But I will begin writing my collection of opinion pieces.. Starting out with fashion.. Topic of concern : UGGS And Sweatpants.. Talk amongst yourselves.. :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rain and consummation are the words of the week....

Oh man... It has been too long.. A whole summer has passed me by and I can't recall where it went to.. Kind of sad.. but then again I spent most of my days wishing hours of my life away.. Trying to hold on to all of my moments as hard as I can, that is why I take so many pictures. I want to look back and remember what each day held for me. Remember those feelings that I wanted to keep on feeling forever.. and even the ones I wanted to go away.. Remember and Love every moment of your life..

Anyways... school time is back here and I think that I about did drown on the way to class one day last week..So much rain in just one week. But people who don't plan for the weather make me happy and laugh.. I enjoy watching them run through the rain all wet and angry.. whilst I splash on by in my rain boots and umbrella.. :D I love my rain boots.. ha

School is making me feel lazy AND kinda overworked at the same time.. I am not taking as many hours as usual so I feel lazy but then sometimes I feel I don't have the time to finish anything.. Stupid procrastinating body

Oh yeah I have heard the word "consummate" about ten times within a few days and decided to make it the word of the day. there is a story behind it though.. Long kinda funny story..

I don't feel twenty.. I don't even feel eighteen.. It is strange when people still think I am a Freshman.. Uh no I am a Jr.!! lol I like it though.. People at work ask if I am old enough to drive.. I know it is a blessing to look so young and that I will love it when I get older..

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Someone come bring your gun....

Quote of the day: "Hurry, someone get your gun! There is a deer out here.. Shoot it!"- Aubrey on seeing a deer in the yard..

So my brother and sister-in-law are in and they brought along the two

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sure doesn't feel like summer...

Quote: "Its that global warming, dammit!!" -Dad on the cool temps

So I am here sitting in a sweater inside because I am freezing, possibly to Just sitting here thinking of how I dread Memorial day weekend that is coming up in a few short days.. Memorial Day makes me want to Forget things.. not remember.. I want to forget the rude people who make me want to scream. I want to forget how stressed I get, and how busy it is.. I will make it through just like I have for every other holiday... Went bowling last night and forgot how horribly I suck at it..

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This really is the End...

*Quote: Conan O'Brien: Have you ever had Fruity Pebbles? Once that stuff hits milk, it turns into a narcotic! I ate six bowls, and I got high!

So today was a long day..Six o clock-o came early and got up and studied for the big botany. Seems like days ago that I took that test, but I am pretty sure it was this morning..hmm.. lol So went and had breakfast in the Caf for like the third time this semester..Rare occasion.. and Came back to "study".. I eventually studied some and went to take my Psych test.. and went to the library to print of like 20 free KFC coupons.. oh good You better eat all those Rachel!!
So Rachel and I had this thing going on all semester where we each bought a King Size Zero bar and were going to wait and eat it the last day of classes.. well Rachel cheated, but I understand because she was on the verge of starvation.. So today we broke the Zero bar open and celebrated.. It tasted of sweet freedom and chocolatey nougat.. I wish Sonic would come out with a Zero bar blast... I would get one literally every day.. So we tried to take about five thousand pictures of us eating them to document this special occasion and i kept cutting myself out.. SO we finally got it but about had it ate by the time we were in it..
So almost all our stuff is out.. Everything besides bedding and one pair of clothing. oh and the television..haha Can't live with out that.. Sad to be leaving this old place that harbored some excellent fun times and memories in here.Dunn 207-- we will sadly miss you and all the times you tried to kill us with your ten degree temperature in here.. oh man.. tearing up again..haha Another semester behind us, another chapter comes to an end as another is just beginning... :) So cheesy sounding I know, but it's late..haha Good night world...

Celebrate Good times... TOOT TOOT..

*Quote of the Day: "So mom why is there only one rooster on the farm?"
"Because it confuses the hens i guess."
"Why does it even matter?"
"It matters to the roosters. 'Them's my bitches'. I can see him with a top hat and a gun."

So Finals week studying has kept me from informing my masses of fans.. haha.. but It has been a pretty fast moving week here.. As of now have 2 more finals to take and my two I was worried about are over so it is uphill from here. :)

I LOVE Oreos.mmm.. Last night to celebrate Rachel's A in anatomy (which I told her she could do!), we went to Marble Slab with a buy one get one free Coupon.. and got monstrous ice cream cones. SO GOOD. I got peanut butter ice cream with oreos and Rachel got Sweet Cream with snickers and caramel.. They were so delicious .. :) Anyways, Gotta get on with my studying. Almost out and on Vacation.. :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dollywood and Sexay Dancers

"Uh, yeah he's hot.. He's SEX-AAYY!"- Rachel on our beloved Chuckie.. :(

"Oh it's just a mosquito. Come here Skeeter, Skeeter. No skeeter get off my new pants! Darn You! "- Rachel

So just got done watching Dancing with the Stars and our Chuckie got kicked off. :( {chuck Wicks}. We are really sad to see him go,because we think he made the show. It is all our fault because we didn't vote.Anyways, starting to plan and get excited about our Gatlinburg trip! :) So EXCITED.. I have only been to Gburg once and that was in my Sr. Year when I was on student council and all our plans didn't work out..SO i am really, really psyched about this vacation... Oh how great VACA is... :) :)