Quote(s) of the Day:"I have a date with that Zero bar coming up pretty soon!"-Rachel
Sophia: My hiney's asleep. Dorothy: Fine, we'll keep our voices down.
Well it's a short week this week since We are going to the Volunteer Banquet at the PCCR, the nursing homo.. only a mere few days until I am free... that is until they force me to work everyday.. but it makes the summer last longer that way..hah So not as worried about finals as usual since I am actually doing really well in my classes for a change. Maybe it's just because they are easier, or maybe I am putting more effort into it.. Either way I am proud of myself.. the only class I am doing "bad" in is Ag Econ and most people in there have worse grades than I do, and I have a high C almost a B now.. I really don't want to make a C in an "easy" class like that and in Botany make a B. But I am glad I am doing well in there too, but only one more Day of Botany.. I may cry myself to sleep from now on.. I will miss you H.T. lol
Anyways, went and ate with Rachel and her Family.. well her dad and (adopted) brother..haha.
ate some Chicken Tetrazinni..( oh that makes me laugh.. there was something on tv where this woman kept talking about chicken Tet. and it was on the Soup and hilarious. Mom and I laughed for 5 minutes..lol) And then went to Wal-mart to see Baby Emma and Rachel's aunt and mom. Emma was so cute.. We came to the conclusion that she picks up more guys than we do.. I should rent a baby and just go walk around a store somewhere, see how many guys a flirty one year old can pick up for me..lol Well off to lunch where I am sure there will be making fun of me involved. but i guess it's fine because they are having Corn nuggets today..haha :)
Sophia: My hiney's asleep. Dorothy: Fine, we'll keep our voices down.
Well it's a short week this week since We are going to the Volunteer Banquet at the PCCR, the nursing homo.. only a mere few days until I am free... that is until they force me to work everyday.. but it makes the summer last longer that way..hah So not as worried about finals as usual since I am actually doing really well in my classes for a change. Maybe it's just because they are easier, or maybe I am putting more effort into it.. Either way I am proud of myself.. the only class I am doing "bad" in is Ag Econ and most people in there have worse grades than I do, and I have a high C almost a B now.. I really don't want to make a C in an "easy" class like that and in Botany make a B. But I am glad I am doing well in there too, but only one more Day of Botany.. I may cry myself to sleep from now on.. I will miss you H.T. lol
Anyways, went and ate with Rachel and her Family.. well her dad and (adopted) brother..haha.
ate some Chicken Tetrazinni..( oh that makes me laugh.. there was something on tv where this woman kept talking about chicken Tet. and it was on the Soup and hilarious. Mom and I laughed for 5 minutes..lol) And then went to Wal-mart to see Baby Emma and Rachel's aunt and mom. Emma was so cute.. We came to the conclusion that she picks up more guys than we do.. I should rent a baby and just go walk around a store somewhere, see how many guys a flirty one year old can pick up for me..lol Well off to lunch where I am sure there will be making fun of me involved. but i guess it's fine because they are having Corn nuggets today..haha :)
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