This picture ALWAYS makes me smile when I am feeling down.. My daddy acting crazy in a very, very Rare smiling moment.. and I caught it on "film"...
So where to start... Busy, tiring weekend of work.. Got home late Friday and Saturday from work.. I Know I don't have the hardest job ever, but please give me credit for the job I do, and don't belittle how demanding and tiring it is, just because it may not be as "hard" as yours.
And this weekend was tiring and difficult.. Many people took off work so we were left short-handed. we all had to try to make up for the missing help and it wore me down. Didn't get home until almost midnight both nights. Which makes me dread when summer comes and we get two times as many people as we have been having and we close at 10.. (which means Come on in at anytime. Even if it is almost 11 30...Ugh) But many summer nights, I have not gotten to leave the Farmhouse until about 12 or after. And it starts back the next day.. But I love the people I work with and the way I fit into that place.. It makes me feel special that I am important.(It also makes me feel better to think I am a glue that holds the place )
But I love Sundays.. My favorite day of the week! I slept in until about 10, and then took mom out to Albany to go grocery shopping..I am surprised she feels safe riding with me still, but she always "lets" me drive. I enjoy driving, esp. on such a beautiful day like today. (Too hot for my taste, though) Stopped to get some milkshakes at Sue's. (MMM.. peanut butter, so great! ) and went home and washed our cars all afternoon. I think my pasty white skin might have gotten a touch of sun today.. then helped cook dinner and that was so tasty.. Watched some House and drove down here to the room.. Sounds boring but it was quite eventful for me.. Gotta go get some rest. Maybe Sleep away all my worries, doubts, and tiredness... Goodnight .. :)
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