Oh man... It has been too long.. A whole summer has passed me by and I can't recall where it went to.. Kind of sad.. but then again I spent most of my days wishing hours of my life away.. Trying to hold on to all of my moments as hard as I can, that is why I take so many pictures. I want to look back and remember what each day held for me. Remember those feelings that I wanted to keep on feeling forever.. and even the ones I wanted to go away.. Remember and Love every moment of your life..
Anyways... school time is back here and I think that I about did drown on the way to class one day last week..So much rain in just one week. But people who don't plan for the weather make me happy and laugh.. I enjoy watching them run through the rain all wet and angry.. whilst I splash on by in my rain boots and umbrella.. :D I love my rain boots.. ha
School is making me feel lazy AND kinda overworked at the same time.. I am not taking as many hours as usual so I feel lazy but then sometimes I feel I don't have the time to finish anything.. Stupid procrastinating body ..lol..
Oh yeah I have heard the word "consummate" about ten times within a few days and decided to make it the word of the day. there is a story behind it though.. Long kinda funny story..
I don't feel twenty.. I don't even feel eighteen.. It is strange when people still think I am a Freshman.. Uh no I am a Jr.!! lol I like it though.. People at work ask if I am old enough to drive.. I know it is a blessing to look so young and that I will love it when I get older..
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Someone come bring your gun....
Quote of the day: "Hurry, someone get your gun! There is a deer out here.. Shoot it!"- Aubrey on seeing a deer in the yard..
So my brother and sister-in-law are in and they brought along the two munchkins..lol
So my brother and sister-in-law are in and they brought along the two munchkins..lol
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sure doesn't feel like summer...
Quote: "Its that global warming, dammit!!" -Dad on the cool temps
So I am here sitting in a sweater inside because I am freezing, possibly to death..lol Just sitting here thinking of how I dread Memorial day weekend that is coming up in a few short days.. Memorial Day makes me want to Forget things.. not remember.. I want to forget the rude people who make me want to scream. I want to forget how stressed I get, and how busy it is.. I will make it through just like I have for every other holiday... Went bowling last night and forgot how horribly I suck at it..
So I am here sitting in a sweater inside because I am freezing, possibly to death..lol Just sitting here thinking of how I dread Memorial day weekend that is coming up in a few short days.. Memorial Day makes me want to Forget things.. not remember.. I want to forget the rude people who make me want to scream. I want to forget how stressed I get, and how busy it is.. I will make it through just like I have for every other holiday... Went bowling last night and forgot how horribly I suck at it..
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
This really is the End...
So today was a long day..Six o clock-o came early and got up and studied for the big botany. Seems like days ago that I took that test, but I am pretty sure it was this morning..hmm.. lol So went and had breakfast in the Caf for like the third time this semester..Rare occasion.. and Came back to "study".. I eventually studied some and went to take my Psych test.. and went to the library to print of like 20 free KFC coupons.. oh good times..lol You better eat all those Rachel!!
So Rachel and I had this thing going on all semester where we each bought a King Size Zero bar and were going to wait and eat it the last day of classes.. well Rachel cheated, but I understand because she was on the verge of starvation.. So today we broke the Zero bar open and celebrated.. It tasted of sweet freedom and chocolatey nougat.. I wish Sonic would come out with a Zero bar blast... I would get one literally every day.. So we tried to take about five thousand pictures of us eating them to document this special occasion and i kept cutting myself out.. SO we finally got it but about had it ate by the time we were in it..
So almost all our stuff is out.. Everything besides bedding and one pair of clothing. oh and the television..haha Can't live with out that.. Sad to be leaving this old place that harbored some excellent fun times and memories in here.Dunn 207-- we will sadly miss you and all the times you tried to kill us with your ten degree temperature in here.. oh man.. tearing up again..haha Another semester behind us, another chapter comes to an end as another is just beginning... :) So cheesy sounding I know, but it's late..haha Good night world...
Celebrate Good times... TOOT TOOT..
"Because it confuses the hens i guess."
"Why does it even matter?"
"It matters to the roosters. 'Them's my bitches'. I can see him with a top hat and a gun."
So Finals week studying has kept me from informing my masses of fans.. haha.. but It has been a pretty fast moving week here.. As of now have 2 more finals to take and my two I was worried about are over so it is uphill from here. :)
I LOVE Oreos.mmm.. Last night to celebrate Rachel's A in anatomy (which I told her she could do!), we went to Marble Slab with a buy one get one free Coupon.. and got monstrous ice cream cones. SO GOOD. I got peanut butter ice cream with oreos and Rachel got Sweet Cream with snickers and caramel.. They were so delicious .. :) Anyways, Gotta get on with my studying. Almost out and on Vacation.. :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Dollywood and Sexay Dancers
"Uh, yeah he's hot.. He's SEX-AAYY!"- Rachel on our beloved Chuckie.. :(
"Oh it's just a mosquito. Come here Skeeter, Skeeter. No skeeter get off my new pants! Darn You! "- Rachel
So just got done watching Dancing with the Stars and our Chuckie got kicked off. :( {chuck Wicks}. We are really sad to see him go,because we think he made the show. It is all our fault because we didn't vote.Anyways, starting to plan and get excited about our Gatlinburg trip! :) So EXCITED.. I have only been to Gburg once and that was in my Sr. Year when I was on student council and all our plans didn't work out..SO i am really, really psyched about this vacation... Oh how great VACA is... :) :)
"Oh it's just a mosquito. Come here Skeeter, Skeeter. No skeeter get off my new pants! Darn You! "- Rachel
So just got done watching Dancing with the Stars and our Chuckie got kicked off. :( {chuck Wicks}. We are really sad to see him go,because we think he made the show. It is all our fault because we didn't vote.Anyways, starting to plan and get excited about our Gatlinburg trip! :) So EXCITED.. I have only been to Gburg once and that was in my Sr. Year when I was on student council and all our plans didn't work out..SO i am really, really psyched about this vacation... Oh how great VACA is... :) :)

Quote(s) of the Day:"I have a date with that Zero bar coming up pretty soon!"-Rachel
Sophia: My hiney's asleep. Dorothy: Fine, we'll keep our voices down.
Well it's a short week this week since We are going to the Volunteer Banquet at the PCCR, the nursing homo.. only a mere few days until I am free... that is until they force me to work everyday.. but it makes the summer last longer that way..hah So not as worried about finals as usual since I am actually doing really well in my classes for a change. Maybe it's just because they are easier, or maybe I am putting more effort into it.. Either way I am proud of myself.. the only class I am doing "bad" in is Ag Econ and most people in there have worse grades than I do, and I have a high C almost a B now.. I really don't want to make a C in an "easy" class like that and in Botany make a B. But I am glad I am doing well in there too, but only one more Day of Botany.. I may cry myself to sleep from now on.. I will miss you H.T. lol
Anyways, went and ate with Rachel and her Family.. well her dad and (adopted) brother..haha.
ate some Chicken Tetrazinni..( oh that makes me laugh.. there was something on tv where this woman kept talking about chicken Tet. and it was on the Soup and hilarious. Mom and I laughed for 5 minutes..lol) And then went to Wal-mart to see Baby Emma and Rachel's aunt and mom. Emma was so cute.. We came to the conclusion that she picks up more guys than we do.. I should rent a baby and just go walk around a store somewhere, see how many guys a flirty one year old can pick up for me..lol Well off to lunch where I am sure there will be making fun of me involved. but i guess it's fine because they are having Corn nuggets today..haha :)
Sophia: My hiney's asleep. Dorothy: Fine, we'll keep our voices down.
Well it's a short week this week since We are going to the Volunteer Banquet at the PCCR, the nursing homo.. only a mere few days until I am free... that is until they force me to work everyday.. but it makes the summer last longer that way..hah So not as worried about finals as usual since I am actually doing really well in my classes for a change. Maybe it's just because they are easier, or maybe I am putting more effort into it.. Either way I am proud of myself.. the only class I am doing "bad" in is Ag Econ and most people in there have worse grades than I do, and I have a high C almost a B now.. I really don't want to make a C in an "easy" class like that and in Botany make a B. But I am glad I am doing well in there too, but only one more Day of Botany.. I may cry myself to sleep from now on.. I will miss you H.T. lol
Anyways, went and ate with Rachel and her Family.. well her dad and (adopted) brother..haha.
ate some Chicken Tetrazinni..( oh that makes me laugh.. there was something on tv where this woman kept talking about chicken Tet. and it was on the Soup and hilarious. Mom and I laughed for 5 minutes..lol) And then went to Wal-mart to see Baby Emma and Rachel's aunt and mom. Emma was so cute.. We came to the conclusion that she picks up more guys than we do.. I should rent a baby and just go walk around a store somewhere, see how many guys a flirty one year old can pick up for me..lol Well off to lunch where I am sure there will be making fun of me involved. but i guess it's fine because they are having Corn nuggets today..haha :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
That's what I love about Sundays...
This picture ALWAYS makes me smile when I am feeling down.. My daddy acting crazy in a very, very Rare smiling moment.. and I caught it on "film"...
So where to start... Busy, tiring weekend of work.. Got home late Friday and Saturday from work.. I Know I don't have the hardest job ever, but please give me credit for the job I do, and don't belittle how demanding and tiring it is, just because it may not be as "hard" as yours.
And this weekend was tiring and difficult.. Many people took off work so we were left short-handed. we all had to try to make up for the missing help and it wore me down. Didn't get home until almost midnight both nights. Which makes me dread when summer comes and we get two times as many people as we have been having and we close at 10.. (which means Come on in at anytime. Even if it is almost 11 30...Ugh) But many summer nights, I have not gotten to leave the Farmhouse until about 12 or after. And it starts back the next day.. But I love the people I work with and the way I fit into that place.. It makes me feel special that I am important.(It also makes me feel better to think I am a glue that holds the place together..lol )
But I love Sundays.. My favorite day of the week! I slept in until about 10, and then took mom out to Albany to go grocery shopping..I am surprised she feels safe riding with me still, but she always "lets" me drive. I enjoy driving, esp. on such a beautiful day like today. (Too hot for my taste, though) Stopped to get some milkshakes at Sue's. (MMM.. peanut butter, so great! ) and went home and washed our cars all afternoon. I think my pasty white skin might have gotten a touch of sun today.. then helped cook dinner and that was so tasty.. Watched some House and drove down here to the room.. Sounds boring but it was quite eventful for me.. Gotta go get some rest. Maybe Sleep away all my worries, doubts, and tiredness... Goodnight .. :)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Quote of the Day: "I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes." Unknown
Oh weekend, why do you come so soon? I think I am reverse of everyone else in the world.. I dread the weekend. And love to see Sundays come around.Mondays are a good day for me. Call me odd, I guess I am.. The weekends bring too many stressful things.. Work, trying to keep up with stuff to do at the home, more work, and trying to spend at least an hour with the parentals and Eric, if he's ever at home.. Summer break is not even 2 full weeks away and I know I am going to get tired of being at home, but it makes me feel bad I don't get to see my Mom and Daddy anymore than a few hours on Sunday..
Oh I am moving out the stuff I don't need for the next 2 weeks, and it has made room, but it's always stressful moving out. But I am going to miss bein here in the big C-ville, with all these people.. But Home is where my heart and soul long to be at right now.. Things will Change soon... As everything inevitably does... Gotta go to lunch... :)
Oh weekend, why do you come so soon? I think I am reverse of everyone else in the world.. I dread the weekend. And love to see Sundays come around.Mondays are a good day for me. Call me odd, I guess I am.. The weekends bring too many stressful things.. Work, trying to keep up with stuff to do at the home, more work, and trying to spend at least an hour with the parentals and Eric, if he's ever at home.. Summer break is not even 2 full weeks away and I know I am going to get tired of being at home, but it makes me feel bad I don't get to see my Mom and Daddy anymore than a few hours on Sunday..
Oh I am moving out the stuff I don't need for the next 2 weeks, and it has made room, but it's always stressful moving out. But I am going to miss bein here in the big C-ville, with all these people.. But Home is where my heart and soul long to be at right now.. Things will Change soon... As everything inevitably does... Gotta go to lunch... :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Pothole of DOOM!
I guess there goes my nudist colony...
I am just sitting here eating my dinosaurs reflecting on my day.Oh Mr. T-rex you are so tasty.lol So here is some exciting news: They fixed the death pothole in our parking lot..it was like 5 feet deep and we almost drown in it one day.. Everytime I would pull into the lot I would hit it! Don't ask me how, I just would. And one day I swear I saw someones tire roll off after hitting that thing.. It might have been mine..lol So Rachel texted me when I was in history and told me the exciting news!!!!
I am getting excited about our REAL vacation this year.. Almost a full week just having a good time.. I am planning it in my head and making my packing list.. But it is getting me worried. Everytime we make plans, something goes wrong or things don't turn out right.. But i know it will be a Great time..
So, today has been kinda boring and sorry you had to get all excited about my new entry and it is so boring.. maybe more later.. I am just glad I will live to tell my stories another day because the pothole of doom is gone.. Oh exercise ball, you look so inviting..haha
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Getting the (Exercise) Ball Rolling
Oh man, Spring is here.. But as Rachel keeps reminding me "Summertime is going to be here soon. Quit Wishing away the spring." I love spring and all the flowers and such but I hate how bipolar it is.. It is like 80 one day and then 40 the next. But please don't go away so fast Spring, I almost hate the thought of summer coming.. It's too hot for my liking and people get grouchier, which is just EXCELLENT! (Not)..
Anyways, I am loving my exercise ball. I had a partially bad morning when I found out my test grade in my AgEcon class. Esp. when I go to class Everyday and people I have NEVER seen in there get better grades than I do.. It gets disappointing. Anyways, came back and hopped on my ex. ball and it made it better. I felt more relaxed.. lol Such a dork, I am, I am...
Oh, I just found a facebook fan club of Dave Ramsey and just remembered his greatness. Oh High School Economics.. Good times.. lol But we watched some of the videos that he did and they were hilarious.. Dave Ramsey is greatness.. I can only hope to be as great as he is in life... oh man the things I strive for... :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Large Marges Hit the Maxx...
Quote of the Day: "Well I can't tell the difference between S. America and Africa. They both look like a Chicken Strip!!"
Monday.. Most hated day of the week for some.. I quite enjoy Mondays. I have class at 9 and then lab at 10:10, which gets out early. Go to lunch. Come back to room when time permits. Head of to 12:2o class, and then free. Today went to class and found out I made a 92 on my Psych test! :) And then headed of to shop for Heather's B-day present. I went to the TJ Maxx, an awesome store. So didn't find anything for you there, Heather, Sorry!!But found some awesome pants in my size on Sale! So that should have signaled something that told me that something was up. Also was a GREAT Friend and bought Rachel a pair of pants (i thought) EXACTLY like the ones she threatened to stip off of me one day.. She covets them oh so much... So i found them in what I thought was her size... also got excited i found an exercise ball, which we just recently found out how awesome those are. So I buy my things and head off to other stores which i am unsuccessful at so I go to Bath and Body works. Great place. Very smelly. Bought some smelly goodness.
Came back to the room. Tried to get the Ex. ball pumped up before Rach got back. Sounded funny in here all that air squeaking in and out. COME TO FIND OUT NEITHER one of our pants fit us.. Wouldn't even come over our thighs.GEE I should have known that was my luck. So the Large Marges (Me and Rachel) Hit the TJ maxx again and I swear they were talking about how they saw me there earlier.. Anyways we shopped for forever going over everything 2 or 3 times. Come out with more than just a pair of pants. Went over to Rack Room to get Rachel some "Boat" shoes. I also got a pair because i have always been jealous of Rachel's. (Happy now Rach?) :) but ANYWAYS, went back over to B&B Works and she got some other smell goods. So we come back to the dorm and get yelled at for speaking in the lobby by some Huge B's. They were watching a movie not even as high as it could go and yell at us for talking out of spite, I yell before I go through the door that they should have fun..lol but We get back to the room and Rachel gets very "drawn" to my shirt and wants it. She starts to bribe me. I didn't wanna give it up, so she rants for minutes that she has to, NEEDS TO go get that exact shirt. It is calling to her. So we head back to TJ Maxx..SO this is the 3rd time I went In a Day!! Rachel rushes back in and we frantically search for it. She buys it and we head to Wendy's.. MMM spicy chicken SW. So that was my day.. kinda boring but seems so busy and hectic to me.. SO the moral of todays story: Rachel will always be striving to be just like me..haha OR if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. ( I personally like the first one better) :)
Monday.. Most hated day of the week for some.. I quite enjoy Mondays. I have class at 9 and then lab at 10:10, which gets out early. Go to lunch. Come back to room when time permits. Head of to 12:2o class, and then free. Today went to class and found out I made a 92 on my Psych test! :) And then headed of to shop for Heather's B-day present. I went to the TJ Maxx, an awesome store. So didn't find anything for you there, Heather, Sorry!!But found some awesome pants in my size on Sale! So that should have signaled something that told me that something was up. Also was a GREAT Friend and bought Rachel a pair of pants (i thought) EXACTLY like the ones she threatened to stip off of me one day.. She covets them oh so much... So i found them in what I thought was her size... also got excited i found an exercise ball, which we just recently found out how awesome those are. So I buy my things and head off to other stores which i am unsuccessful at so I go to Bath and Body works. Great place. Very smelly. Bought some smelly goodness.
Came back to the room. Tried to get the Ex. ball pumped up before Rach got back. Sounded funny in here all that air squeaking in and out. COME TO FIND OUT NEITHER one of our pants fit us.. Wouldn't even come over our thighs.GEE I should have known that was my luck. So the Large Marges (Me and Rachel) Hit the TJ maxx again and I swear they were talking about how they saw me there earlier.. Anyways we shopped for forever going over everything 2 or 3 times. Come out with more than just a pair of pants. Went over to Rack Room to get Rachel some "Boat" shoes. I also got a pair because i have always been jealous of Rachel's. (Happy now Rach?) :) but ANYWAYS, went back over to B&B Works and she got some other smell goods. So we come back to the dorm and get yelled at for speaking in the lobby by some Huge B's. They were watching a movie not even as high as it could go and yell at us for talking out of spite, I yell before I go through the door that they should have fun..lol but We get back to the room and Rachel gets very "drawn" to my shirt and wants it. She starts to bribe me. I didn't wanna give it up, so she rants for minutes that she has to, NEEDS TO go get that exact shirt. It is calling to her. So we head back to TJ Maxx..SO this is the 3rd time I went In a Day!! Rachel rushes back in and we frantically search for it. She buys it and we head to Wendy's.. MMM spicy chicken SW. So that was my day.. kinda boring but seems so busy and hectic to me.. SO the moral of todays story: Rachel will always be striving to be just like me..haha OR if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. ( I personally like the first one better) :)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
The bird and the Egg...
Quote of the Night: "I will kill you with my Ped Egg."Rachel
So tomorrow is a school day/ work day so I won't write one tomorrow so i will go ahead and do one now. (Rachel told me to do one soon.I think because I inspire her! lol) So I am sitting here watching the Golden Girls, and knowing that is the way that my life will end up. We will all be comedy geniuses and bring each other through hard times.. sounds good to me.. lol But I am here to talk about more important issues: Birds on Steroids... I know you all heard all the warnings and think you have all the facts on such things but I am here to inform you that you don't.. Here on Tennessee Tech's campus there are birds doing some heavy steroids. One such bird lives in the tree directly outside our window.. In the morning time in spring you would normally hear high pitched Tweets lightly calling that morning is here.. This Barry-bonds like bird Shouts his calls right into the window. I am really worried he might get kicked out of his league if he gets caught.. and he also wakes me up and pierces into my dreams..
Anyways talking about disturbing things.. I just found out a few hrs ago that Rachel would kill me if i tried to take her ped egg.. EVEN THOUGH i gave it to her.. haha I am pretty sure she admitted that she loved it more than she cared for me! An inanimate object is getting more affection from her than me.. I guess I just don't get her feet as silky smooth as it does...haha :)
Quote(s) of the day: "You are making me and my bottle nervous." -Rachel
*"Where did the Tech streaker go? Did he graduate?"-Me
So, today very eventful and most of you reading this were either there or told about it moments later! But anyways...So Botany was cancelled this morning so I slept in a little later than the norm. Went to my AgEcon class.. Me, Heather, Danielle, Rachel, and Cody ate lunch together and fun of me the whole time.lol And then did some major cleaning to the room, did laundry. Watched some tv... boring boring... But went to go pick up my accident report from where I rearended someone (who by the way BARELY escaped hitting the 80 yr old woman who came to a screeching halt for NO REASON!), So i tell Rachel the wrong location to go pick up this report, we go get directed to the one located under the drama center. AND BOY was there Drama! A rude man told us we had to go back outside and walk around to the entrance. So we do and then we get told it isn't there we have to go to ANOTHER station to get it! So finally at the 3rd station we stop at we get it.. and go to walmart. Then we got out to play some softball where I tried not to kill anyone will my killer curve ball. :) But I think I did decent. About got hit in the shin and a ball rolled up my arm and hit me lightly in the jaw. Tried not to hit Rachel And HH too many times..haha and went to eat.. oh eating is good.
Whilst eating I saw a MALE with the most shiny hair ever.. I was jealous.. lol Talked about the Tech streaker and Rachel's "up close and personal" time playing b ball with the streaker..haha good times.. Oh man.. may be boring sometimes but always a little interesting... :)
*"Where did the Tech streaker go? Did he graduate?"-Me
So, today very eventful and most of you reading this were either there or told about it moments later! But anyways...So Botany was cancelled this morning so I slept in a little later than the norm. Went to my AgEcon class.. Me, Heather, Danielle, Rachel, and Cody ate lunch together and fun of me the whole time.lol And then did some major cleaning to the room, did laundry. Watched some tv... boring boring... But went to go pick up my accident report from where I rearended someone (who by the way BARELY escaped hitting the 80 yr old woman who came to a screeching halt for NO REASON!), So i tell Rachel the wrong location to go pick up this report, we go get directed to the one located under the drama center. AND BOY was there Drama! A rude man told us we had to go back outside and walk around to the entrance. So we do and then we get told it isn't there we have to go to ANOTHER station to get it! So finally at the 3rd station we stop at we get it.. and go to walmart. Then we got out to play some softball where I tried not to kill anyone will my killer curve ball. :) But I think I did decent. About got hit in the shin and a ball rolled up my arm and hit me lightly in the jaw. Tried not to hit Rachel And HH too many times..haha and went to eat.. oh eating is good.
Whilst eating I saw a MALE with the most shiny hair ever.. I was jealous.. lol Talked about the Tech streaker and Rachel's "up close and personal" time playing b ball with the streaker..haha good times.. Oh man.. may be boring sometimes but always a little interesting... :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Journey..
So I just had a thought.. very hard to believe I'm sure.. but I have decided I am going to take all my advice from Journey songs. Who doesn't want to be told "Don't stop believin', hold on to that feelin' " ? And they also let you know that "anyway you want it, that's the way you need it." Just such great 80's music. I kind of wish some of the 80's music would come back. Those were simpler times..oh good days.. :)
But anyways, I am excited I don't have my 8 o'clock botany class in the morning.. only 2 and a half more weeks of learnin', then a week of testin'. I am excited about a real vacation this summer. :)
But anyways, I am excited I don't have my 8 o'clock botany class in the morning.. only 2 and a half more weeks of learnin', then a week of testin'. I am excited about a real vacation this summer. :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Nights with Amanda
Hello World! I know it is not an afternoon, but my roomie came up with the title, which I thought was very catchy. But think of it this way, somewhere in the world it is the afternoon. :) So this is my first blog and I am mainly making it for the sake of being bored with the internet world and Rachel thinks I may discover some hidden talent, since I have yet to REALLY find what my real talent is.. so here goes nothing.. hope you enjoy my useless chatter! :)
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